Our students have access to the best teacher mentors in the field. Through our Clinical Mentoring Team (CMT)—a teaching excellence team—we provide cooperating teachers who have both amazing classroom expertise and coaching abilities.
While you’re here, you can join the Educators Rising program, for great networking opportunities as well as training and preparation for the job search. Based on your academic achievements, you can also participate in our chapters of the Gamma Chi and Pi Lambda Theta honor societies. And students of color interested in becoming teachers can be considered for our RISE program. Through RISE [Reach, Inspire, Support future Educators] talented students of color are introduced to prospective employers in the field of education for the purpose of clinical placements and mentorship.
Visit our Catalog to view all courses
View the Degree Planner
A degree from MNU is a competitively priced, affordable option designed for students with a busy schedule. We’re here to help you find the best options to assist you as you work toward earning your degree.
General Education: 42-50
Professional Education: 34-37
Elementary Content Course: 32
Electives: 7-18
Total: 120
The Federal Direct Student Loan Program is an additional payment option. MNU School Code: 007032. Information and applications may be obtained from the Student Financial Aid Services Office at 913.971.3298 or finaid@zhanmi.net.
Concern about paying back student loans is common. That’s why we provide the Pioneer Pledge, our loan repayment assistance program. If your income is modest after graduation, Pioneer Pledge assists with your educational loan repayments. Learn more on our financial aid pages.
Your education is one of the most important investments you will ever make. At MNU nearly 100% of new students qualify for financial assistance that greatly reduces the actual cost of an MNU education.
Your degree is an investment in your future. We have a variety of different payment options available, so you can choose the option or combination of options, that best fits your situation. The total cost will be calculated based on your program and can be divided into multiple payments.
Now accepting applications from seniors in high school or college transfers who are interested in starting at MNU in Fall of 2025.
Now accepting early action application from juniors in high school! Applicants with a cumulative high school GPA of 3.75 (weighted or unweighted) will be considered for provisional admission with priority consideration for our honors program and performing arts scholarships.
*Some exceptions made on case by case basis
Prospective students will need to provide:
We offer valuable networking opportunities through our Math Club, Pi Lambda Theta—our Education Honors Society, and our Educators Rising program.
As a graduate, you will complete all Kansas requirements for teacher certification. Our faculty will also help you find out how to become certified in other states, and many are similar to Kansas requirements.
Find the program that’s right for you. Talk to your MNU team to customize your journey.
2030 E. College Way
Olathe, KS 66062-1899
913-782-3750 or 800-800-8887